Raul Rodriguez Hernandez, Cuba
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage is Raul Rodriguez Hernandez from Cuba. The International Massage association has asked him to tell about himself:
My name is Raul Rodriguez, I’m 40 years old and I was born in Cuba. I’ve been massage therapist since 2014.
Graduated from Cuba, I’ve been working on the beaches of Playa Larga, under the coconut trees. I currently work on Carnon beach, near Montpellier, without coconut tree 🙂 but always with the same passion to improve my skills and techniques !
I share my life between Cuba and France since 2020.
My enterprise is called “Cool Raul Massage Cubain” ; my speciality is wellness massage, but I work on sports, deep-tissue, facial massages and reflexology. I do my best to satisfy my clients but massage planet is an undiscovered world and I have so much to learn !
It’s a real pleasure for me to be part of the World Championship in Massage 2024 in Copenhagen, to represent my country, Cuba.
I’m looking forward to presenting my method, the cuban massage (a caribbean massage, inspired from the sea waves), to meet professionals from all countries and share experiences with them !
I’ve learned massages in Cuba and I graduated in Varadero.
Links to my website and social media sites:
Instagram: cool_raul_massage (https://www.instagram.com/cool_raul_massage_cubain)
I am looking forward to presenting my method, the Cuban Massage (a caribbean massage, inspired from the sea waves), to meeting professionals from all countries and to sharing experiences with them.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Raul Rodriguez skills at the World Massage Championship in wonderful Capitol of Denmark Copenhagen at the end of June.