Best Freestyle Massage (Eastern) Promotion 2021
In connection with the IMA Video Awards, The International Massage Association has recieved more than 120 videos, from 80 participants coming from 27 countries. The International Massage Association has chosen to divide the videos into the following categories.
Teasers, Swedish / Sports massage, Thai massage, Chair massage, Wellness massage, Freestyle Western massage, Freestyle Eastern massage.
Judges from 9 different countries has voted and found the winners of each category. These will be announced in the following days.
Furthermore the winner of each category will in June compete for the titel as “Best Massage Promotion 2021”
Upon the IMA Video Awards, The International Massage Association look forward to meeting all the participants, both online and in person at the World Champion in Massage 2021 – Hybrid Edition.
Freestyle Eastern winner is: Samantha Sunshine, USA