Viliam Mecar, Canada/Slovakia
Viliam Mecar is 61 years old and a massage therapist from Canada Vancouver, born in Slovakia. He has 38 years of experience in different positions. He was working for 20 years as a sports therapist and the last 16 years as a massage therapist
He has learned: Sports massage, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Ayurvedic massage, Body mobilization techniques, Stretching, Trigger point massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Hot stone massage, Pregnancy massage, Tuina therapy, Cupping therapy.
He graduated as a Physiotherapist and Massage therapist in the Nitra in Slovakia. During his practice he worked in many different countries around the world. Slovakia, Libya, Austria, Kuwait and Canada.
At the World Championship in Massage he will participate in the categories: Freestyle massage and Sports massage.
IMA look forward watching his skills.