Marius Malarme, Belgium
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage is Marius Malarme from Belgium. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
My name is Marius Malarme, I’m 32 years old and I’m from Belgium.
Massage is a passion for me since my youngest age. My parents who’s working in the wellness taught me about how to take care of a human body.
I practice mainly Sport and Wellness massage since I’m in Paris (2018).
A mix of all my best techniques and I adapt to the needs of my clients.
Movement, rhythms and precision of my techniques are the three most Important points of my massage.
My main massage schools are:
Guijek School (Montreal) 2012 : Shiatsu
Sunshine school (Chiang Mai) 2013: Thai Massage
Rasovaï school (Goa) 2014 : Ayurveda
I represent BELGIUM.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Marius Malarme skills at the World Championship in Massage in wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark on June 28-30.