Mario Jorge DeSousa, UK
Mario Jorge de Sousa is accredited therapist in Shiatsu methods of:
(Namikoshi & Seiki Meridian Shiatsu), Thai Yoga & Trigger points Massage
His mission is to make wellness services accessible for all those in the need of a special and effective alternative medicine treatment.
Is a combination of 3 body work oriental styles;
1- the stands & the flow comes from Tai chi (China)
2- the connection to the receiver, depth healing force comes from Seiki Meridian Shiatsu (Japan) everything flows from it (the pillar of his technique)
3- the smooth manipulation, coordination of the receiver body & the tools used coming from Thai massage (Thailand)
-The name of his chair massage is: SEIKI SHIATSU CHAIR MASSAGE
SEIKI: life(SEI) energy(KI)