Emil Elefterov, Bulgaria
Latest Massage Therapist participating at the 6th World Championship in Massage 2023 is award winning Bulgarian Emil Elefterov. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
Hi My name is Emil Elefterov from Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo town.
I am a CMT from 2016 and i am educated of Classic Massage, Anty-cellulite massage, Honey massage , deep tissue massage, lomi lomi and also Myofascial release , the Tomas Mayers system and Carla Steco. The Myofascial release come to Bulgaria from Maria Jakob – teacher and kinesio therapist with 35 years experience. My own massage techniques. Also Co-founder of Bulgarian Association of Myofascial Therapists.
I completed my training at a vocational training center in the city of Tsarevo in 2016. I also graduated in 2022 with the 4th degree in cosmetic therapist and I am a cosmetology and massage instructor at Bogoya College in the city of Varna.
My Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/biotensegrity.massage
My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mymassagesbg/
At the World Championship in Massage I will participate online Live from Bulgaria.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Emil Elefterov skills at the World Championship in Massage.