Elodie Dubarry, France
Latest Massage Therapists signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage is Elodie Dubarry from France. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
My name is Elodie Dubarry. I have been a masseuse and beautician since 2007 and I represent France.
Professor of aesthetics and cosmetology at the CAP, Bac pro and BTS levels at the Marseille rectorate, and exam jury for many years. I have traveled all over the world to learn the true original techniques of the countries. I have worked with star hotels for many years (Eautel****, Adonis***, Dauphiné***…).
I am responsible for training the masseurs who work in their hotels so that the demanding quality charter is respected. So at the same time I set up my training organization to train masseurs.
I specialize in facial and body massages (Lomi, ThaÏ, Swedish) and slimming (drainage and maderotherapy). Recently, in collaboration with Doctor Sarfati, we developed a very complete lifting cryodraining facial massage which provides a tightening and plumping effect on the skin.
I had the BTS Cosmetic Aesthetics at the Lycée Elisa Lemonnier in Paris 75012 in 2007.
My website: www.dubarryacademy.fr
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dubarry_beaute_academy/
The International Massage Association look forward watching Elodie Dubarry skills at the World Championship in Massage at the end of June in wonderful Copenhagen.