Collaboration is the Future Way of Massage Championships
Collaboration is the way of the future in order to elevate the Massage Profession. These days IMA Founder Jeppe Tengbjerg is visiting the President of the World Association of Nuad Thai and Spa Chutima Hälg.
The meeting is about how to unite even better and how to raise the level of the Worlds Massage Therapists and how to promote and make awarness of the Massage Profession in the future. Since Massage Championships had its globally breakthrue back in the 2017 at the IMA’s first World Championship in Massage, Championships are everywhere. The meeting is much about how to keep focus on the original purpuse – Inspiration and Education.
As part of the collaboration is has been decided that the Thai Massage Category at the World Championship in Massage will be judged by Judges/Teachers of: World Association of Nuad Thai & Spa
Chutima Hälg herself has been judging the World Championship three times and hosted the World Association of Nuad Thai and Spa two Championships. The latest was held in Japan in October with huge succes.
Together with the World Association of Nuad Thai & Spa Chutima Hälg was awarded IMA’s Award: Best New Massage Event 2023 – The World Workshop 2023. An amazing event held in Zürich, Switzerland.

On this Picture Chutima Hälg and Jeppe Tengbjerg is together with the President of the Romanian Massage Association Iulian Motoc ealier this year at the World Workshop 2023 in Zürich.