Vlad Secuianu Balescu, Romania
Latest participant at the World Championship in Massage 2019 in Copenhagen is former prize winner Vlad Secuianu Balescu from Romania. IMA has asked him to tell about himself.
My name is Vlad Secuianu Balescu, I am from Sibiu, Romania. I teach massage techiques as: swedish massage, therapeutic massage, reflexology and a variety of wellness techniques .
I’m inspired by the people around me, the nature, my dreams and all the beauty around.
I can’t wait to meet the international massage family again!
I graduate as a massage therapist at Academia Reflexo Vital Sibiu.
Facebook adress: https://www.facebook.com/balescu.vlad.5
The International Massage Association look forward watching Vlad Secuianu Balescu at the World Championship in Massage in Copenhagen.