Valentina Albano from Italy.
Latest participant at the World Championship in Massage 2019 is Valentina Albano from Italy. IMA has asked her to tell about herself.
I’m Albano Valentina, I am an Italian holistic masseur in various massage techniques, I also specialize as a beautician and spa therapist.
I studied at the Metodo Benessere Academy of Fausto and Patrick Bombardelli, at the CEAS – school of modern aesthetics in Taranto (Puglia.Italia) and at FIM- Training Italian Massages by Stefano De Michino.
In April I ranked first in the European Massage Championship 2019, in the beginner category.
I will perform at the World Championship in Massage in the freestyle-western inspired category on the first day and in the wellness category on the second day, paired with Angela Dasti: she won the medal for the best flow of massages at the European Massage Championship 2019 and together we will present a 4-hand massage.
In massage I always have a conviction: “beyond technique, what matters is the touch of love”.
The links of my social profiles are:
The International Massage association look forward watching her skills at the World Championship in Massage 2019 in Copenhagen, in June 22-23.