Tanapatr Warasomboon (Tan), Thailand
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the 6th World Championship in Massage is Tanapatr Warasomboon (Tan) from Thailand. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
“Massage is not only Massage. It heals everyone.”
I, Tanapatr Warasomboon (Tan), am the founder of both Tan Massage Academy and TAN-Technic (Traditional Ancient Nuad).
Nuad is the original Thai name of Thai Massage.
My fatherland is Germany, but for this event, I would love to represent my motherland, THAILAND.
My Thai massage therapy experience comes from more than 20 years working in my clinic. Originally I learned at Wat Pho, but after that, I traveled around Thailand to meet some “hiding” masters and learned from them.
Together with my many years of meditation, I refound the traditional ancient technique of Thai massage, which combines all of Asia’s wisdom.
Nowadays, I run my massage Academy “Tan Massage Academy, Germany”, where many can learn massage (including oil massage) techniques, developed from the Traditional Ancient Nuad technique, which helps masseurs avoid work-related injuries, and which promotes effective healing in patients.
My Academy’s Facebook Page: Tan Massage Academy
My Private FB: Tanapatr Warasomboon, through which I broadcast live every working day about 8.05 p.m., usually only in Thai, but if asked, it can also be in English.
IG: tan_massage_academy
The International Massage Association look forward watching Tanapatr Warasomboon (Tan) at the World Championship in Massage 2023 in wonderful Copenhagen.