
Mihai Noroc, Germany

Latest Massage Therapist is Mihai Noroc from Germany.

Mihai is a skilled massage therapist who is passionate about interacting with people, and it’s not just a job for him. He truly enjoys feeling the energy of each individual during massages and distributing positive energy throughout their bodies. Mihai takes great care to understand each person’s unique needs and considers their health aspects during the massage session. With his expertise and attentiveness, he strives to create a personalized experience that promotes both relaxation and well-being. Whether it’s relieving muscle tension, reducing stress, or addressing specific health concerns, Mihai is dedicated to providing a tailored approach that helps his clients achieve their desired outcomes. His commitment to excellence and his genuine passion for the art of massage make him a trusted and sought-after therapist in his field.

He graduated as a massage therapist from: Physio Therapy Apprenticeship in Romania, German recognition of the training and additional training as a medical masseur in Salzburg, Austria (WIFI salzburg)

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The International Massage Association look forward watching Mihai Noroc at the 6th World Championship in Massage.