Magda Guarducci, Italy
The latest participant is at the World Championship in Massage is Magda Guarducci from Italy. IMA has asked her to write about herself and her massage.
My interest in massage comes from the need of being touched with love and since very early, I started “massaging” my mom.
Growing up I had injuries and pains in the left shoulder, this led my interest in the therapy, I started receiving therapeutic massages very early and this trigged me to deepen my passion.
After 13 years of working, my approach becomes now intuitive, using in my massage different techniques depending on the receiver.
My intent in every massage is to feel what the person, body, muscles, structures, tissues need and trying to accomplish his needs by comunicating with the tissues through the research of the most therapeutic technique for that body.
I mostly use deep tissue because I like to work until the deepest layer of the tissues trying to release tensions and blockages.
For me the massage should bring the person deep in his body, feeling it, and should make opening and breathing the body, bringing new energy to every cell.
I firmly believe that touching a specific part of a body relates to contact a specific part of our inner, so the massage works at a deeper level, not only in therms of hormons production and nervous system impact but as working on deep seated mental and emotional tensions and blockages: working on the joints flexibility we work on the mental flexibility too, and releasing tensions and pains in the muscles and structures we can release deep seated fears and blockages.
Touch is for me one of the most powerful form of comunication in the body work.
The quality of the touch and the deep understanding and feelin of the receiver’s body, guide to choose and perform the right techniques in order to make the massage Therapeutic.
Massaging is restorative for me too, as it is a form of meditation.
I love trainings and hope to find a lot of inspiration at the World Championship in Massage 2019 in Copenhagen.
Link: Facebook.
The International Massage Association look forward watching the skills of Magda Guarducci.