Flavia Lorella Sosa, Italy
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage is Flavia Lorella Sosa from Italy. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
Hi everyone, i’m Flavia Lorella Sosa and i’m from Verona,Italy.
I’ve started my career as an esthetician and massage therapist, the first few years I’ve been focusing on massages, during my career i’ve changed and learned different things but i’ve ended up going back to my true passion, the massage. I belive, that through the touch you can transmit all feelings, such as love, relax and generic wellness.
I’ve decided to participate at the World championship because I want to bring a mix of techniques that allow the body and mental wellness to align. I want to unify these disciplines using stretching with thai and drainage massage. I hope that i will be able to transmit you all what i feel.
I studied at the CFP aesthetic training school in Brescia, Italy
My Instagram channel and my website
The International Massage Association look forward watching Flavia Lorella Sosa skills at the World Championship in Massage at the end of June in Copenhagen, Denmark.