Dmitrii Ardasan, Moldova
Latest Massage Therapist at the World Championship in Massage is the winner of the Moldavian Massage Champion Dmitrii Ardasan. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
My name is Dmitrii Ardasan, I am from Republic of Moldova ,Chișinău city.
I am massage therapist more than 10 years.
Sports massage is a form of therapeutic massage that aims at the specific manipulation of soft tissues engaged during intense physical exertion. The purpose of sports massage is to relieve tension and reduce muscle stress that usually accumulates after exercise.
Increased endurance: Helps improve sports performance.
Injury prevention: The evaluation of biomechanical imbalances and therapeutic treatments contribute to the rebalancing of the body.
Injury Recovery: Reduces recovery time and supports healing after a sports injury.
Freestyle Western massage – a combination of the following techniques: Swedish, deep tissue, passive stretching, specific techniques of sport massage.
I have been working in the field since 2014, also in this year I graduated the classical massage course at the Mondostudart College in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (Acasă – Centrul de Excelență în Estetică (
In 2019 I graduated the therapeutic massage course at the Spa THERAPY Academy (Cea mai mare școală de masaj din Moldova | Spa Therapy Academy)
From 2019-2024 I continued to develop professionally at various trainings in the field, Lymphodrainage, Therapeutic massage, facial massage, anti-arthrosis massage, reverse massage.
Link to my Instagram
And to my Facebook
I am looking forward to my participation at the competition, thank you very much.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Dmitrii Ardasan skills at the 7th World Championship in Massage at the end of June.