Travis James Fisher, USA
The latest Massage Therapist to sign up for the World Championship in Massage is Travis James Fisher from USA. He is one of the Pioneers who participated online at the World Championship in Massage 2021. IMA has asked him to tell about himself.
Hotou3ouuubeih? How do you feel?
My name is Travis James Fisher, but, my friends call me TJ, you can too. I noticed early on that I was capable of contributing and I decided as a child that I was going to join the Air Force and then be a Police Officer. I am not upset when I say that my Epilepsy changed that for me abruptly, when I went to enlist, I was told no. It seems that you cannot join the Air Force or Police Academy with Epilepsy.
Since there was no place for me on the front line, I was forced to re-direct, and it was meant to be that I dedicate my life to the Rhythm of Massage and contribute in other ways. In one word I choose to describe/Label my work as “Therapeutic.” I Preserve Life, I help those in pain, I bring people back to themselves, I share pieces of myself with those who need it because I can manifest Happiness. I contribute in ways that I never would have been able to had I not been placed here by the Universe.
Born in Wyoming, USA, I am First Nation/Native American, Arapaho. I have been Sharing a Unique style of Massage professionally for almost 13 years now, and It has spilled over into other areas of my life. The same flow that I feel during Massage is the same flow that I let burst when I manipulate Devil Sticks (a form of juggling/flowing art.) It is that same feeling that I translate into my music. My style Cannot be seen or heard, it MUST be experienced. I look forward to sharing it with the world as I continue to learn from others, and, learn how to teach others thru Wisdom and the Pen. Massage is: My career, my lively hood, my life, and my purpose.
School: Institute of Business and Medical Careers,
MY Instagram:
The International Massage Association look forward watching Travis James Fisher skills at the World Championship in Massage 2023.