Marie Keller, Sweden
Marie Keller is 38 years old and from Sweden. She will be performing at the World Championship next year, the classic Swedish massage and a Wellness/Spa Massage.
From where did you graduate as a Massage Therapist?:
Axelsons SPA School Stockholm, Sweden 2005 (dipl. Spaterapeut)
Hälsoteket Stockholm, Sweden 2007 (cert. Massör)
Hälsoteket Stockholm, Sweden 2007 (dipl. Massageterapeut)
AtlasPROfilax Academy, Switzerland 2010 (cert. Atlasprof/atlasspecialist)
Which massage methods did you learn:
Swedish classic massage, sportsmassage, pregnant massage, trigger point, muscle pressur, pnf, medicin massage, spamassage, atlas treatment.
How many years of experience as a Massage Therapist do you have:
Spa therapist 11 years, Massage therapist 9 years
IMA look forward watching Marie’s skills.