Henning Svensson, Denmark
Latest participant to sign up for the World Championship in Massage 2021 in wonderful Copenhagen is Henning Svensson from Denmark. IMA has asked him to tell about himself:
I was born in 1967 in Denmark. My background as a therapist:
Have been practicing body therapy for over 13 years, educated at Body-SDS in 2007 and thru the years I have picked up skills from different workshops and courses. In 2018 my friend and I discovered NRT thru Youtube and tried it out – and we were amazed over this incredible effective body therapy. I went to USA and took all classes, did the examinations and became NRT Master Certified Therapist January 2019 and later I certified as an NRT Instructor. Since than I have primary been working as NRT therapist and NRT Instructor.
Graduated from:
NRT Trainings, LLC
4511 N. Meadow Ln.
Tucson, AZ 85749
NCBTMB approved Provider #101
What is NRT
NRT uses the nervous system to normalize muscle tonus.
Neural Reset Therapy was founded and developed by Lawrence Woods in 2012.
NRT are scientifically based on Charles Sherrington law of Reciprocal Inhibition on which he won the Nobel Prize in 1932 in physiology. NRT is also based on Dr. Eduard Pflüger’s Law of Symmetry.
Those two law’s describes the nervous systems own way to regulate muscle tonus all over the body almost instantly.
How do NRT work.
Thru specific stimulation of psychical sensitive sensors called mechano receptors, which are embedded all over in our body tissues, we activate the nervous systems own mechanism Reciprocal inhibition or the Law of symmetry in the brain, and thereby we normalize muscle tonus and relief pain typically within 30 seconds. It look’s special – and but it is very effective.
Danish website: NRT-denmark.dk , Danish Face book: NRT-denmark
The International massage Association look forward watching Henning Svensson and his massage method at the World Championship in Massage in June 2021.