Carine Maritano, France
Latest Massage therapist signing up for the World Chamjpionship in Massage is Carine Maritano from France. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself
I’m 37 year-old Carine Maritano, from France. I live in Vourey, about 30 km from Grenoble, in the French Alps area.
I have been practicing massage for over 17 years and have always been passionate about my job since the beginning! I graduated from the ECOLE ACADEMIE in Grenoble in 2006. I opened my own massage center over 1 year ago in my home town of Vourey.
My massage for the Championship is called : “L’Éclosion du Papillon” ,which means butterfly eclosion. I massage through feeling, love, and compassion. The movements are those of a butterfly. I hope that the person receiving the massage gets carried away by the sweet melody of the butterfly. My massage is like the transformation of a butterfly ! I wish for the person to feel beautiful colors! My goal is to release them as a butterfly after hatching! I hope for a complete metamorphosis for both facial and wellbeing!
I’m very happy and excited to participate in the world championship in massage in Copenhagen again this year.
My website to follow me is:
The International Massage Association look forward watching Carine Maritano’s skills at the 6th World Championship in wonderful Copenhagen.