Megan Read, USA
Megan Read is a 32 years old and from Texas (USA). Megan has just signed up for the World Championship in Massage 2019 in Copenhagen. She lives with her family in Colorado where she is an instructor at Aspen Massage Institute.
The types of massage Megan is specialize in are, deep tissue, structural, sports, ashiatsu, cranial sacral, reflexology, and spa treatments. She loves to learn new modalities and use new tools like silicone cups, Gua Sha scraping, Crystal wands, Himalayan salt, and Bamboo. Megan just loves it all but she really excel at the deep work where getting enough pressure is never a problem for her.
Megan went to Utah College of Massage Therapy and graduated in 2005.
IMA look forward watching her skills at the World Championship in Massage 2019.