Lamin k. Jammeh, Gambia
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the International Massage Associations 8th World Championship in Massage is Lamin k. Jammeh from Gambia. The International Massage Association has asked him to introduce himself.
I am Lamin k. Jammeh and I am from Gambia in Africa.
I am A Diploma holders from the Golden Hand Academy College from which I graduated in 2019.
I am Representing Gambia and the Gambia Massage Therapy Association.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Lamin k. Jammeh skils at the World Championship in Massage on June 27-29 in wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark.
The International Massage Association visit the Gambian Massage Therapy Association back in November 2024.
At the International Massage Association we are ongoing try to elevate the Massage Profession via our many Articles, Podcasts, Masterclasses and via the Educational Conference at the World Championship in Massage
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