Olga Sinke, Latvia
The Winner of the Baltic Massage Championship participates at the World Championship in Massage 2022. IMA has asked her to tell about herself:
I am Olga Sinke,
I am from Latvia, but massage I studied while I was living in Great Britain.
At BSY College & open University (bsy group. Co. UK).
I lived in England for ten years and six years ago I moved back to my father land Latvia.
I am working as a massage practioner (self employed). Since then I am working with different stiles and techniques, like Spa Wellness, lymf drainage, champi Indian head massage, Deep tissue Shiatsu & Tsubo massage with oils.
See you all in June in Denmark
The International Massage Association look forward watching Olga Sinke for the 2nd time at the World Championship in Massage in June in wonderful Copenhagen.