Oles Yerosov, Ukraine
Latest participant at the World Championship in Massage 2019 in Copenhagen is Oles Yerosov from Ukraine. IMA has asked him to write about himself.
Hello dear colleagues. I am Oles Yerosov from Kiev, Ukraine. I am a multiple nominee and championship winner of Ukraine from Classical and SPA massage.
I am the judge of SPA massages. I am the teacher at the Massage Academy INELDEA. I will participate in two categories: Swedish Massage (Russian Classical massage) and Freestyle massage (Western inspired).
The big accent I pay attention to ergonomic, the performance of author’s techniques using my body and paying attention to the body weight and so on.
At the second part of my program I will show the freestyle massage – Ergonomic Combining Massage. This is the author’s ergonomic back and neck massage. This program includes techniques of different schools and many author’s techniques. If it is needed I combine the techniques for improving the musculoskeletal system. Using the joint articulation, stretching using the towels and Thai techniques on the table. Possible use of spring instrumental massager.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Oles Yerosov skills at the World Championship in June 22-23.