Nahimby Pachano, Spain
Latest Massage Therapists signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage is Nahimby Pachano from Spain. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
My name is Nahimby Pachano. I was borned in Venezuela but most of my life have been living and studying in Europe (England and Spain).
I had been living the past 14 years in Barcerlona – Spain and developing my carrer as therapist which I started in London almost 20 years ago.
Since then discovered that I had been given a gift, the gift of caring and looking after the well-being of people through my massages.
I have my own style of giving massage (freestyle) which I naturally developed from the holistic massage I first study in London, and thereafter in Spain from studies of Chinese and Ayurvedic therapies.
I may not be the best masseuse of the world but for my clients and patients I am their best ever. Maybe because giving massage to more than 1000 people from all over the world, made me realized that, no matter where we come from, what we all look for is healing given from the heart, and that is the main ingredient of my massages.
Tecnics are learn and develop but a healing energy is natural and come from the heart.
I graduated as ITEC massage therapist from the London school of Massage.
I use Instagram. My business name it is: nyhwellness
I would like to represent Spain as it is the country where I live and have my life and most of my experience.
I look forward to a great experience.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Nahimby Pachano skills at the World Championship in Massage at the end of June in wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark.