Georgi Krastev, Bulgaria
Latest Massage Therapist at the World Championship in Massage is from Bulgaria. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
My name is Georgi Krastev. I am originally from Bulgaria but for the past fifteen years, I have lived and worked in Norway.
In 2003 I graduated as a massage therapist from Educational Massage Centre at The Academy of Medicine, Sofia Bulgaria.
I have also completed a First Degree in Reiki, the Usui System of Natural Healing, and a course in Traditional Thai Massage, Chiangmai style.
My experience is mainly in the field of Spa Therapy. I have worked in Bulgaria, Turkey, Sweden, and Norway. I am representing Norway, Farris Bad Hotel.;; Instagram – @farrisbad; Twitter – #farrisbad
I am looking forward to participating for the second time in the World Championship in Massage in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The International Massage Association look forward watching Georgi Krastev skills for the 2nd time at the World Championship in Massage 2022.