David Coady, Canada
Latest participant at the World Championship in Massage 2022 in Copenhagen is David Coady from Canada. He is one of the Pioneers who participated online at the World Championship in Massage 2021. IMA has asked him to tell about himself.
Prior to becoming a massage therapist, I studied Eastern medicine to develop a better understanding of the whole body and their complex processes. It was during this time that I decided to further my studies and become a Registered Massage Therapist through the massage therapy program at ICT Northumberland College, located in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Since graduation in 2015, I have gained additional accreditation and training in Auricular Medicine, Japanese Hot Stone, Thai Yoga, Suikodo, Myofascial Cupping, Reiki, Guasha, M2T Blading, Reflexology, Craniosacral, Aromatherapy, and Acupuncture to name a few.
My treatment style focuses on chronic pain and overall dysfunctions within the body, including how the internal organs directly influence external symptoms. I believe in finding the root cause of discomfort within the client instead of solely addressing the symptoms. My clients typically feel immediate relief with a newfound appreciation for how truly healing and life-changing massage therapy can be, with the right practitioner.
The pressure I use has been described as moderate to deeper pressure, with the tendency to treat myofascial restrictions and trigger point release. For some clients, it is a matter of allowing their body to unwind, while with others it is about encouraging small lifestyle changes through stretching or diet, for example.
I will be competing in the freestyle western and Asian Massage.
Facebook: @DavidCoadyRMT
Instagram: @david.coadyRMT
Website: https://www.massageexperts.ca/dartmouth/
ICT Northumberland College: ictschools.com
Thai massage www.reenadavis.com
The International Massage Association and our sponsot Lemi look forward watching David Coady skills at the World Championship in Massage in wonderful Copenhagen at June.