Tim Laughlin, France
Latest Massage Therapist at the 7th World Massage Championship in Massage 2024 in Copenhagen at the end of June is the Overall International Winner of the Swiss Massage Championship 2024 Tim Laughlin. The International Massage Association has asked him to tell about himself:
Hi, I work in France as an independent massage therapist and beautycian.
I got a diploma of wellness massage practitioner in the french massage school « Hypotenuse » https://www.ecole-formationmassage.com/
I developed my skills through my professionals experiences and in several massage courses like deep tissues, sport, drainage, feestyle and others.
I like to improve my massages results by combination of pressure and fascia technics with stretching, movements and joins mobilizations.
I am French, I will represent the France but I am native from French Polynesia, I grew up in Tahiti where the healing culture by hands and nature elements have always been presents.
I have this deep and natural desire to share this well-being through the power of massage and human support.
I built my own way to the body and mental wellness conscious through my sport and army experiences.
I fully express all those positive energies in my work and it is with ambitious and pleasure I learn and share that passion with all the championship participants.
I have my own massage institut « Pro Massages Access »,
Website : www.promassagesaccess.com
Instagram : pro_massages_access
The International Massage Association knows Tim Laughlin from former IMA Masterclasses and look forward watching his skills with other amazing participants from all over the world.