Janet stevens and Sadie Jane Taylor, Wales
Latest Massage Therapists signing up for the 7th World Championship in Massage are Janet stevens and Sadie Jane Taylor from Wales. The International Massage Association has asked them to tell about themselves.
We are Janet stevens and Sadie Jane Taylor, We will be representing Wales U.K. In synchronised 4 handed chair massage, at the fabulous I.M.A World Championship in Massage.
We have a particular interest in massage and mental health.
There is no health without mental health.
Our massage combines heart / brain coherence.
(electromagnetic frequency)
Along with rhythmic techniques
(Sound and vibration)
Our aim –
To energetically stir your holistic self into RE-MEMBER-ING all healing is ultimately self healing.
We believe the real power of massage lies in its potential to empower the client.
“Our entire biological system,
the brain, and the earth itself, work on the same fequencies.”
— Nikola Tesla
( physicist , mathematician, engineer, inventor )
Heart/ Brain coherence:- scientific research has shown – how an our hearts and brain can entrain and synchronise with the hearts and brains of other people.
We hold love and compassion in our hearts for our clients.
We also send positive and empathic thoughts.
We visualise each and every client as whole and in excellent health.
We believe practicing heart/brain coherence is an important part of our massage sessions
Scientific inquiry into heart/brain coherence -Can only be good news for the massage community.
As many massage therapists know and practise this already.
We welcome the exciting prospect of age old wisdom and modern science coming together.
Website for more information on heart/brain coherence:- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9214473/
The International Massage Association look forward watching Janet stevens and Sadie Jane Taylor skills at the World Championship in Massage at the end of June in wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark.