Sarah Benaych Skovgaard, Denmark
Latest Massage Therapist to participate at the World Championship in Massage is the Danish Massage Champion Sarah Benaych Skovgaard. International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
Hi my name is Sarah Benaych Skovgaard.
I’m a danish massage therapist, educated from Tengbjerg massørskole, Næstved in 2022. Futher more I have taken several causes muscle and injury therapy, Freestyle causes and cupping. The last 8 month, I have been studying reflexolgy also at Tengbjerg massørskole.
At 2023 I participated at the Danish Championship and the World Championship.
This year I participated once more at the Danish Championship and I won Gold in the Freestyle category and also in the overall final.
I will describe my massage as combination of swedish massage and freestyle. I use cupping, bamboo tools and ear acupunkture as supplement in my threatments.
I have also a bachelor in social education and I work at a public school with kids with different and special needs.
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The International Massage Association look forward watching Sarah Benaych Skovgaard skills at the World Championship in Massage for the 2nd time in wonderful Copenhagen at the end of June.