Anna Jensen, Denmark
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the 2023 World Championship in Massage is Anna Jensen from Denmark. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
My names is Anna Jensen. I am 32 years old al live in a little town called Jyderup in Denmark. I work in a institution called Fjordstjernen, here I work as a personal Coach and as a Massage Therapist. I also have my own business with as masseur and personal coach which called “Massage og Funktionel Træning v/Anna Jensen. I graduated from Tengbjerg Massørskole in December 2021.
I will show my Swedish massage with at twist of Thai yoga massage at the World Championship in Massage 2023 in my countrys capitol Copenhagen.
Tengbjerg Massørskole: Velkommen til Tengbjergs sundhedsuddannelser – Tengbjerg Massørskole
Facebook: Massage og funktionel træning v/Anna Jensen | Jyderup | Facebook
The International Massage Association look forward watching Anna Jensens skills at the 6th IMA World Championship in Massage 2023 in Denmark.