Beate Zilske, Germany
Latest Massage Therapist signing up for the World Championship in Massage is Beate Zilske from Germany. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
Hi, my name is Beate Zilske, I‘m 65 years old and I live in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the South of Germany.
It‘s a great honour for me to get the opportunity of taking part in this very special event. Thank you very much.
I became rather ill (fibromyalgia) in my former self-employed profession which I eventually had to give up. Therefore I was looking for ways and means of therapy to treat myself.
I first of all experienced relief and eventually physical, psychological and spiritual healing.
My sincere desire for knowledge for ways of treatment and healing underwent a many-faceted process and I consider myself as being still on the way.
In Order to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body I finished the professional education as a natural health professional, which I consider as the beginning of a change of direction for me.
This ought to be the very beginning of my new mission in life. The never-ending pursuit of trying to help others is my heart‘s desire.
The belief in our mutual devine life energy steers me into the right direction, inch by inch. Therefore I use everything I‘ve learned and experienced to improve my treatments.
We contain our ancestors‘ intercellularly as well as their experience. Every unsolved conflict, every episode of fury, envy and grief as well as every episode of happiness and especially love are stored within ourselves unwittingly and consequently physically.
My desire is to address and tackle these issues through my massage, which I commenced in 2008 and developed individually ever since.
Nevertheless the active cooperation of every single person receiving my treatments is much-needed. It’s the journey, not the destination.
With my whole-body massage which lays emphasis on muscles, tendons and fasciae I pass on my experiences and my knowledge.
I treat every body individually by tackling the blockades the way they need to be treated within the scope of a constant procedure.
I rely on my empathy because my hands are my eyes in this context.
Therefore I created this massage as‚ lomi fasciae and bodywork‘.
This very special massage is a teamwork- everything released by the clients in a spiritual and emotional way can be dissolved by the practitioner.
As a consequence the energy receiving individual can release inner tensions and ‚the way for the breath of life is paved‘.
My education, trainings and professional development:
2001- 2004 Tai Chi Chuan under Wolfgang Dolansky/
2004- 2007 apprenticeship as natural health professional without exams under Catrin Wehlend/
2008 Wellness- massage diploma in Cologne/
2008- 2009 Embryonale Ausgleichung after Robert Eiben under Lotte Hartmann/ Heilpraktikerin
2009 education of LomiLomi Massage in Berlin/
2008- 2011 education Ho’ oponopono LomiLomi Level A & B in Kisslegg, Level C on Kauai (Hawaii) at Antoinette and Allen Alapa’i (sadly deceased)
2011 VinaMassage/
2013 Workshop PSYCH-K- then with Bruce Lipton ( American cell biologist)
2015 Seminar ,, Herzenswände löschen ,, under Bahar Yilmaz & Jefrey Kastenmüller/
2016- 2018 certificated health adviser/ health coach with contact teaching in Munich for:
– course instructor for spinal exercises,
– Cardiofitness
– coach
– 10+ health coach
– course instructor PMR,
– course instructor autogenic training,
– stress management coach,
– physical und psychological health promotion ,
– coach for mental improvement
– nutrition consultant
2019 fasciae coach/
2019-2021 Myofascial Release under Rainer Wannak/
My website:
The International Massage association look forward watching Zilske skills at the World Championship in Massage at the end of June 2024 in wonderful Copenhagen.