Anett Kárpáti, Hungary
Lates Massage Therapist signing up for the World Championship in Massage is Anett Kárpáti from Hungary. The International Massage Association has asked her to tell about herself:
Greetings All!
I am Anett Kárpáti, I represent Hungary. In Dabas I work in a body workshop called Talpak. I work with people from newborn to old age. First I started with the feet, then I developed myself further in the direction of movement and even further towards Trigger point therapy. I usually work with mixed techniques. I always include a little pampering in my work. Off the floor, balancing the muscles is what I am most passionate about. That’s why I’m using mixed techniques in this competition. I like challenges and I like to learn new things. I believe that in addition to competing successfully at home, I need to experience competing internationally.
I completed my massage skills at Second Start.
I wish you all the best of luck.
Anett Kárpáti
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The International Massage Association look forward watching Anett Kárpáti skills at the World Championship in Massage.